Connections with the ones you haven’t met

One of my fellow bloggers inspired me to write this blog – a very beautiful, pure and happy person who has such a huge drive for life that absolutely amazes me.

I don’t know her very well at all, she lives on the other side of the world and I’ve never met her but it’s amazing how closely you can connect with someone who appears to be so similar to you based on your own life experiences and how you see the world.

I just want to say to all of my fellow bloggers out there, thank you all for having an impact on my life and for sharing your views on the world that give me a different, if not better, perspective of my own world. You all touch my life in ways words can’t even describe!


Loved and dearest

What inspired me to write this blog is my family. They are such important people in my life and they play a major part in making me the person I am today. They are my most loved and dearest people in the whole world.

Last night I was on Skype with my niece and auntie and it was so good to hear their voices after a month. We talked for hours, laughed, exchanged life stories but what was the most touching to me was that my family is so supportive of me and my travel plans and they have really noticed the changes it has done to my life. They can see I’m really happy, positive and just loving life! And it makes me feel so good about myself and very confident. I have such a high self esteem and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

The first thing my auntie noticed was my weight, she could tell I had lost a lot in a good way according to her so I guess all this running and non excessive eating regime is really paying off! It means so much to me that my family can see the changes and it just makes me more motivated to keep it all up!

When family make you feel so great, you know that’s all you need. I know I’m very much loved by them which is why I maintain being positive and happy so they can be surrounded by that.

I love my family and I wouldn’t trade them for anyone.

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